FEEDS talks about Energy Poverty and Fire Risk at C4E Forum, May 25th
The 4th edition of the unique community-building and networking event on energy efficiency in Central and Eastern Europe – The Central & Eastern European Energy Efficiency Forum 2023 (C4E Forum 2023) will take place between the 23rd and 26th of May 2023, in the central location of Šamorín near Bratislava, Slovakia.
Learn more: C4E website
In a context where the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) is entering its trilogue phase and discussions are taking place in the European Parliament concerning the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), the C4E Forum will be a great opportunity for stakeholders to track how implementation is proceeding as well as reviewing if REPowerEU funds are being properly streamlined into energy efficiency measures.
Learn more: press release
FEEDS will intervene on May 25th, talking about its latest report ‘Energy Poverty and Fire Risk‘ through the voice of Olivier Tissot, coordinator of the FEEDS secretariat.