Answer the European Commission survey on fire safety for charging infrastructure and electric vehicles
Mapping of legislation/guidelines/codes relating to fire safety for recharging infrastructure and electric vehicles in underground/above ground covered parking areas
The Sustainable Transport Forum (STF) was set up to assist the Commission in implementing the Union’s activities and programmes aimed at fostering the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure to contribute to the European Union energy and climate goals. The STF serves as a platform for structural dialogue, exchange of technical knowledge, cooperation and coordination between Union Member States and relevant public and private stakeholders.
The “Public Authorities” sub-group of the Sustainable Transport Forum has recently created a specific Task force, which FEEDS is member, with the aim of developing guidelines to ensure fire safety for recharging infrastructure and electric vehicles in underground and above ground covered parking areas. This is an important task as the majority of charging needs will be met by 2030 through private recharging points (According to the Commission proposal for AFIR (Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation) from 2021 only 40% of charging needs will be met by 2030 through publicly accessible recharging points. Therefore, the relevant provisions regarding private recharging points in buildings were included in the proposal for the revision of the Energy Performance of Building Directive in 2021). One of the first objectives of this taskforce is to provide an overview of legislation/guidelines across Member States with regards to fire safety in covered parking lots.
This survey is a first step to identify legislations and guidelines in place in Europe (in Member States, regions and locally) and beyond. More specific survey will be shared with you at a later stage to focus in depth on risks, challenges, solutions and best practices.
Answer the commission’s survey by July 20th 2023: